Thursday, February 2, 2012

Rain Down, Rain Down

We recently had a day off from school and had been planning the many ways to spend the day together.  Take advantage of unusually warmish weather and walk our closet nature trail?   Curl up with popcorn for a movie during Irish Jig's nap?  Bust out the craft supplies for Valentine's and get a head start?

And it started to rain.  Not storm, just a gentle, steady rain.  A gleam of inspiration could be seen in the eyes of the older children.  "May we put on our oldest, yuckiest clothes and our rain boots and play outside?  IN THE RAIN?"  [I like that they immediately knew old and yucky clothes would help sway my opinion]. 

The Frau Brunhilde Housekeeper inside me wanted to scream, "are you INSANE!  It's messy and wet.  And messy."  But the Julie McCoy Cruise Director quickly soothed Frau Brunhilde with the promise of a hot mug of coffee while they played outside - together - contentedly.  So I agreed.  Then followed them out to take pictures.  Which proves why Julie McCoy never got a promotion.

Using the fort for mudcake target practice.  Right across her head.

Chasing down the football because everyone should play tackle in the mud.

Jumping in the puddles.  At least she knew to wear a head covering.

Following the older ones and wondering why she's wet.  Then discovering mud feels very good.  Then it makes your hands dirty and she doesn't like dirty hands.  She stood in the yard and yelled for me to wash them clean.

Because life is just a huge slip-n-slide.

I really liked being the coolest Mama ever!  At least until I asked for afternoon chores to be done.

1 comment:

  1. I loved playing in the rain {and red Georgia mud} as a child! Looks like fun....though I don't think I want to know how clean up went.


I thank you for visiting with me and for sharing your thoughts. I hope your day is fabulous and that you make some time for music - no matter what kind!