Monday, February 15, 2016

But I'm stuck in colder weather

Snow day! Getting even an inch of snow is exciting in these parts. Waking to find 4 inches is thrilling, at least for Irish Jig. After breakfast, those brave enough (it had switched over to sleeting) layered up and headed out for a quick snow ball fight.

Chasing Daddy with a snowball.  It ended badly for her :)

You'll notice Zydeco is missing.  He's smart.  He stayed inside, stayed warm, and stayed dry.  Jig started the adventure with a hat...somehow it ended up on the mini snowman.  Jig is now sporting an awesome case of eczema from the cold...

Apparently, that's how we roll.

Song lyrics from the Zac Brown Band.

1 comment:

I thank you for visiting with me and for sharing your thoughts. I hope your day is fabulous and that you make some time for music - no matter what kind!