Monday, December 24, 2012

We wish you a Merry Christmas

I'd like to share one last funny family anecdote before signing off for Christmas...

Mr. Neoclassic loves to host parties at our home. He enjoys entertaining our friends and family and preparing food and drink for them. I enjoy preparing our home to welcome guests, aiming to make them feel comfortable. Our Gingerbread House Party is one event we look forward to each year and the planning starts weeks ahead. This year, due to several totally unexpected schedule hiccups, we had to move the party date and even thought about skipping it this year.

When the children protested (even the oldest) and reminded us that our family party is as much tradition as decorating a tree or setting out the nativity, we moved forward with a slightly easier plan. Enter Mr. Neoclassic's love for Excel. You already know how much I use it to plan. But Mr. Neoclassic took it to a whole new level....

His Excel planning sheet included a diagram. Oh, yes!

I realize it's not the best picture - it was late at night in our dark kitchen.  That oval at the bottom of the screen is our dining table.  Each dish to be served has an assigned location on the table!

I won't even subject you to the table plan for Christmas Dinner!  It's color coded and annotated with a timeline for food preparation.  Oh, yeah, he's definitely the man for me.

Merry Christmas to you all and may your families have a joyous celebration!

1 comment:

  1. LOL You guys would NOT want to know how we do it over here. :)


I thank you for visiting with me and for sharing your thoughts. I hope your day is fabulous and that you make some time for music - no matter what kind!