Wednesday, February 20, 2013

So much to say, so much to say

I have no less than six blog posts saved in various phases of completion.  Some are random stories of the happenings in this crazy household (like Irish Jig getting into a container of paint and the new red bathroom cabinet), while some are recently completed crafting projects.  Others are very important soap box type ramblings that I feel the need to share with you.

My inability to actually finish one simple post is a result of my fractured attention span.  While February is usually a slow month of waiting for Spring, we've actually been busy all the time here - or so it seems.  Zydeco's trying a new team sport, there are numerous Scouting activities (Boy and Girl), Girl Scout Cookie sales are ramping up, sicknesses are rotating, and school projects keep appearing.  With so much busy occurring, my mind can't seem to settle on one item for very long.  The phrasings, comebacks, retorts, questions, and discussions of the recent weeks keep repeating in my mind. Some are just funny, others have me perplexed and, well, some just make me roll my eyes and bite my tongue.

This has nothing to do with the post. I'm just excited to see our Lenten Rose blooming.

In lieu of my finishing a half completed post, I thought I'd share some of the nuggets of wisdom floating around this Domestic Church:
  • Irish Jig to me while driving: "Do trees have brains?"  Part of me thinks she's a genius at the tender age of 3.  The rest of me wonders what she overheard from a sibling.

  • Zydeco attended a "meet and greet" for his new Flag Football team.  After participating in a team activity geared toward learning names and backgrounds, we piled into the car to warm up (it was a balmy 27 F that morning) and head back home.  When asked about his new team mates, he responded that we might need to check and make sure he's allowed to play in this league.  "Why?" we asked....."Because the other kids on my team are home schooled.  I feel left out."  That's usually what you'd hear from the home schooled child!

  • Following Communion at the Youth Mass on Sunday, Irish Jig perched on Classic Rock's shoulder to sing along with the hymn - Mighty to Save.  Following the song, Classic Rock leaned over to inform me that, according to Irish Jig, "my God is tiny to bathe."

  • While talking to a friend at a party, I was introduced to two very important family terms:
    1. Planned-Overs, n, the intentional remains of family dinner with an express purpose for use later in the week.  Those children found eating said Planned-overs for an after school snack will have their hands smacked and will be responsible for providing a meal in the now-empty Planned-overs menu spot.
    2. Disaster-roles, n, the meals made with forethought and frozen for the express purpose of using on a day when the whole schedule falls apart.  You know those days - you wind up in the ER at 4 PM; you find a child coated in red paint and a bathroom cabinet needing immediate attention; the completed school project is eaten by the family pet - disaster days.  Never fear, a disaster-role can be plucked from the depths of the freezer and a healthy meal will appear on the table anyway.  

  • When one of my sweet little Brownies responded to my question with "Yeah", Jazz jumped in before I could react.  "My Mama really doesn't like YEAH.  You need to say YES or YES MA'AM."  Lesson learned.  (This story is much better if you make YEAH a two-syllable Southern word, i.e. yeh-ah)

  • Classic Rock was awarded third prize in a short story contest sponsored by a local woman's club.  When Mr. Neoclassic, Classic Rock and I arrived at the awards luncheon, we realized he was the only male to receive an award.  We spent the afternoon wondering if they'd realized he was a male when they choose his story!  Additionally, I realized that I knew many of the club's members from our church and from the YMCA.  They wanted to know when I was planning to join.  I didn't have the heart to mention that their youngest member still qualifies for Social Security.  Maybe in another twenty years?  (PS - His story was quite excellent and I was really proud.)

Again, no relation to post.  Just love the promise of Spring popping through.

1 comment:

  1. The "yeah" is being corrected on a constant basis in my house right now. I keep saying. "Yeah, is for your friends, try again with me."


I thank you for visiting with me and for sharing your thoughts. I hope your day is fabulous and that you make some time for music - no matter what kind!