Monday, November 4, 2013

All good gifts around us

Irish Jig celebrated this fourth birthday for at least 72 hours. There were gifts when Nana and Papa arrived from the airport, gifts to and from her sweet preschool teacher, gifts from parents and siblings, and a party with her favorite people.

Those good gifts around us? The family and friends that constantly support our Domestic Church.  We hosted friends during peak trick or treating time and enjoyed the laughter, excitement and pageantry that constitutes an awesome birthday celebration.

Her two favorite friends.
Humorously, she's as tall as they are, and she's two years younger :)

The only request my younger children have ever had for a birthday?
Katie must be present!

A spider princess cake.  More on that later...

Papa present and attention undivided!

Today's post title from All Good Gifts, circa 1740  Does anybody else always think of Godspell when they hear this???


  1. So cute! Love the dress! Glad she had a great birthday. Oh and when did the baritone become part of your decor?

    1. It was Mr. Neo's great grandfather's. My in-laws delivered it this past summer. We use it to call the troops to dinner - when the infamous cow bell is MIA :)


I thank you for visiting with me and for sharing your thoughts. I hope your day is fabulous and that you make some time for music - no matter what kind!